Best mosquito repellent & Natural Mosquitoes repellents

10 Natural Ingredients That Repel & Kill Mosquitoes

A mosquito bite doesn’t just leave your skin itchy; it can also leave you feeling sick. Diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya are transmitted through mosquito bites. These tiny creatures can be hazardous. Since we can’t swat every mosquito that buzzes past us, we’re always looking for the best mosquito repellent. Many brands of marketing repellents promise to leave your home mosquito-free. But not all mosquito repellents are equal. And it’s not just how effective they are at keeping mosquitos away. Some are poisonous, not just for mosquitoes but even for humans. So, the next time you look for a mosquito repellent, pay attention to the ingredients and choose a natural mosquito repellent.

The need for a natural mosquito repellent

Many mosquito repellents contain synthetic ingredients and chemicals, like pyrethrin and diethyl tolbutamide (DEET), that is toxic. Some of the most common risks when using products containing DEET include irritation, rashes and swelling to the area applied. If it accidentally enters the eyes, it can cause pain and lead to excessive watering of the eyes. In rare cases, DEET can also cause seizures. Products containing DEET are not considered safe for children.

Hence, you need alternative natural mosquito repellents.


10 Natural Ingredients That Repel & Kill Mosquitoes

A natural mosquito repellent contains only those ingredients that have been sourced from plants and other natural substances. They are safe to use inside your home, even when you have a baby. Let’s look at ten natural ingredients used in mosquito repellents that can repel and kill mosquitos.



Camphor is one of the most effective natural mosquito repellents. Mosquitos hunt for their victims by using an enhanced sense of smell. They can identify carbon dioxide and other chemicals released by our body and use that to find us. Camphor keeps mosquitos away by attacking this sense.


Camphor has a powerful smell. When it is vaporized, the pungent aroma confuses the mosquitos and stops them from finding their way to us. What’s interesting to note is that while this aroma is disagreeable to mosquitos, it is pleasant for humans. It perfumes the air and leaves the house feeling fresh and positive. This is one of the reasons it is considered one of the best mosquito repellents.

Apart from using a mosquito repellent vaporizer made from camphor, you can use camphor to repel mosquitos by melting camphor tablets on a heat source and leaving it in the room or submerging camphor tablets in a bowl of water.

Lemon eucalyptus oil

Lemon eucalyptus oil is one of the most well-known natural mosquito repellents. It is used in many commercially available relent vaporizers. This oil is extracted from the Eucalyptus citriodora tree leaves. Despite its name, it is not a citrus oil.


Lemon eucalyptus oil also uses its strong fragrance to keep mosquitos away. It confuses the mosquito and makes them unable to track human scents. Apart from repelling mosquitos, this oil also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, and antioxidant properties that can have therapeutic benefits.

To use lemon eucalyptus oil as a DIY mosquito repellent, you could dilute 1 part of this oil with a carrier oil such as sunflower. However, you must be careful about using it. Some studies have cautioned against the use of this solution on children under the age of 3 years.



Lavender is a popular aroma for home fragrances but it does a lot more than just perfume your home. The oil released by crushing lavender flowers is quite an effective way of repelling mosquitos.


Lavender oil has been found to contain up to 25% linalool. This is a form of naturally occurring alcohol that has a similar effect on mosquitos as DEET. Some people believe that it doesn’t just repel mosquitos; it makes them unable to smell.


You can use lavender to repel mosquitos by using the oil in a diffuser. If the oil is unavailable to you, you can use lavender to repel mosquitos simply by potting a lavender plant near your doors and windows. Dried lavender flowers can also be sewn into sachets and kept around the house. 


Cinnamon is a trendy spice in kitchens around the world. Besides imparting a solid flavour to food, cinnamon oil is also known as one of the best mosquito repellents. This oil is extracted from the cinnamon bark and contains powerful substances such as cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, anethole and eugenol. This natural mosquito repellent is known to keep the Asian tiger mosquito at bay.


Cinnamon oil not only repels mosquitos but also kills mosquito eggs and thus controls the mosquito population in your area.


You can use a diluted 1% cinnamon oil and water at home in a 1/4tsp to 4 ounces ratio. This solution can be sprayed around your house, onto your skin or any item of clothing. You must be aware, however, that using a concentrated amount topically can irritate your skin.


Thyme oil

Thyme oil is another essential oil that mosquitos do not like. However, you might enjoy it – it’s a masculine aroma that can be described as leathery and spicy! Thyme oil is extracted by crushing the leaves and stems of this herb. As a natural mosquito repellent, thyme oil is particularly effective against mosquitos carrying the parasite responsible for malaria.


For a homemade mosquito repellent, you can dilute about 4 drops of thyme oil in a teaspoon of any carrier oil such as jojoba or olive oil and add it to a diffuser. Thyme oil can also be mixed with water in a ratio of 5 drops of thyme oil to 2 ounces of water and used as a spray. If you can grow the herb at home and enjoy sitting around a bonfire on winter evenings, throwing a bunch of thyme leaves into the fire can make your evenings mosquito-free! 


Citronella can be considered a cousin of lemongrass. This herbaceous grass gives off a strong aroma when the leaves and stems are broken and crushed. The oil extracted is known as citronella oil and has a mild citrus note. While humans appreciate it as perfume, mosquitoes detest it. It interferes with their olfactory receptors and makes it harder for them to find their victims.


Citronella is a common ingredient in mosquito vaporizers and topical repellent creams. It’s even used in candles. In the correct concentration, citronella is as effective as DEET- without the toxic effects. It can keep you safe from mosquitos for up to 2 hours at a stretch. However, if the formula isn’t correct, it can vaporize quickly.


If you have a Citronella plant growing nearby, you can use the leaves to spray your mosquito repellant. All you need to do is add 3-4 tablespoons of fresh or dried citronella leaves to a cup of boiling water. Once the solution has been infused, pour it into a spray bottle with a cup of rubbing alcohol.


Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a versatile oil known to be antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-mosquito. Along with mosquitos, it also repels dust mites, bed bugs, ticks, lice, ants and spiders. The efficacy of tea tree oil as a mosquito repellent is mainly due to the presence of a compound called 1,8-cineole. This is present in small amounts but is quite potent.


Tea tree oil can be an ingredient in mosquito-repellent vaporizers and topical creams. In a cream form, it can be applied on your skin, but tea tree oil on its own should never be applied directly to the skin as it can trigger allergic reactions. If you want to use tea tree oil as a DIY natural mosquito repellent, you will need to dilute it with carrier oil. Olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil are the most familiar carrier oils.


Neem oil

Amongst its many benefits, neem oil can help repel mosquitos and protect you against diseases transmitted by them. Neem oil has been found to repel the Aedes and the Anophelines mosquitos that carry parasites responsible for malaria. In addition to repelling adult mosquitos, neem oil disrupts the mating communication between mosquitos, deters female mosquitos from laying eggs and inhibits the development of mosquito eggs and larvae.

Studies have found that mosquito repellents containing neem oil remain effective for up to 3 hours as a topical application. That said, unless it is diluted in the right concentration, it can irritate the skin.


Growing a neem tree near your home is good if you constantly fight mosquitos. You can also burn neem leaves and let this smoke flow through the house. Alternatively, mix neem oil with water and use it as a repellent spray.



Garlic has a characteristic, pungent aroma. While it may not be a popular ingredient in commercially available mosquito repellents, it is nonetheless excellent at keeping these pesky creatures at bay. Garlic gets its mosquito-repellent ability from its smell and the presence of a compound named allicin. The bulbs and garlic plants give off a subtle aroma that repels mosquitos.

Garlic is not a common skin irritant and hence can be applied topically. However, you may prefer to use it as a spray outdoors – who wants to smell like garlic? To make a repellent spray, crush a few garlic cloves in a litre of water and let it boil. Simmer for a while to allow the essential oils to infuse into the water, then let it cool. The strained mixture can be sprayed to keep mosquitos away.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of those kitchen ingredients that can play multiple roles. Apart from being known for its flavour, it has a strong smell. This makes it a powerful natural mosquito repellent by itself. Further, apple cider vinegar can be used as a base to increase the efficacy of other natural mosquito repellents. It can be added to many DIY mosquito repellents.

To use it independently as a mosquito repellent, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with about half a litre of water with a dash of honey. If you want to draw mosquitos away from your home to a trap, you can mix apple cider vinegar with baking soda. This combination causes a chemical reaction that results in the release of carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes use carbon dioxide to track humans; hence, they will naturally follow this scent to a trap where they can be killed.


Buying the best mosquito repellent online

Now that you know the importance of not using mosquito repellents containing DEET and the wide choice of available natural ingredients, the next question is, where can you find an excellent natural mosquito repellent? The answer is simple – CamPure by the House of Mangalam.


This camphor-powered mosquito repellent vaporizer contains no chemical substances and is 100% organic. It can be safely used by everyone at home, including babies. CamPure is very effective at keeping all types of mosquitoes away and thus protects you from their bites and the infections they leave behind. It’s also important to note that CamPure has a pleasing aroma that leaves your home fresh and positive.


CamPure takes the form of a mosquito-repellent vaporizer. If you already have a mosquito repellent vaporizer machine and you’re looking for a better refill alternative, CamPure is the ideal solution. It fits almost all the commercially available repellent machines.


You can buy your stock of CamPure refills online from the House of Mangalam website. The shopping experience is quick and uncomplicated. Once your order is confirmed, it’ll be packed and delivered to your doorstep in a few days. Then all you need to do is fix it in the machine and flip the switch to turn it on.